All Egyptian goods are allowed to be exported except for raw hides and goods for which export restrictions are imposed in accordance with the provisions of Article
(40, 41) of the Executive Regulations of the Import and Export Law issued by Ministerial Resolution No. 770/2005
Example / for some goods temporarily suspended (rice – nitrogen fertilizer ….. etc)
Some of the suspended goods are imported (laser pens with a capacity of more than 5 milliwatts that operate with an internal energy source – products of a popular artistic nature (national folklore) for the Arab Republic of Egypt, in particular drawings of lines, colors, etc.)
Some of the goods that are allowed to be exported with approvals from a regulatory authority (petroleum products – butane – gasoline – naphtha – jet fuel – lubricating oils – kerosene – diesel – diesel – diesel – asphalt “with the approval of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation …….. etc.) .